Angelina Jolie overcame many legal obstacles to adopt little Maddox 20 years ago.
In 2000, Angelina Jolie filmed the movie Tomb Raider in Cambodia and she began to love this land. Therefore, the actress decided to visit the orphanage to adopt a child.
There, Angelina met Maddox and began the procedures to bring the boy back to America. Thanks to the dedicated help of her partner Sarath Mounh, beauty Maleficent was able to easily become Maddox’s legal adopter.
Sharing with Daily Mail on August 7, Mr. Sarath Mounh commented that Maddox is a sharp, intelligent child and smiles more often than his peers. This is also the reason why this optimistic boy won Angelina’s love when the two met for the first time.
‘When Angelina Jolie visited the orphanage and saw Maddox, the boy smiled at her and stood up instead of crying like other children. Maddox’s smile then touched Angelina’s heart, that is the reason why she chose Maddox,’ Mr. Sarath revealed.Among dozens of newborn babies, little Maddox caught Angelina’s attention with a smile instead of crying like the other babies.
But the journey for Angelina Jolie to adopt Maddox was not easy. Mr. Sarath Mounh revealed the story behind Maddox’s adoption: ‘At that time, the problem of cross-border child trafficking was very bad in Cambodia, there were many legal issues that needed to be resolved and she don’t want to make mistakes.
As a friend and colleague, I registered to adopt Maddox as my adopted child, then I signed a legal document for Angelina to receive Maddox from me.’
Sarath Mounh is willing to become Maddox’s adoptive father so that Angelina can legally take her child to America
Thanks to his adoptive father Sarath, the Cambodian orphan boy was able to go to America and change his life when he became Angelina’s adopted son. When they saw Maddox being adopted by an international star, people in Cambodia were excited and happy. They hope Maddox always remembers his roots and becomes a successful person.
Thanks to Sarath (far right), Angelina was able to escape the despair of not being able to complete the adoption paperwork.
Rare images were taken on the day Angelina Jolie arrived in Cambodia to pick up her son
Maddox regularly visits his homeland and is taught about the good traditions of Cambodia
Currently, the smiling boy has become a student at a prestigious university in Korea