Richard Williams: From Tennis Trailblazer to Sole Caregiver Amid Legal and Personal Turmoil

Richard Williams is widely celebrated as the man who molded Venus and Serena Williams into two of the most iconic figures in tennis history. As the architect behind their early careers, Williams’ contributions to the sport and his daughters’ development are legendary.

However, in his later years, the 82-year-old finds himself in a much different role—single-handedly raising his 11-year-old son, Dylan Star Williams, amid ongoing legal disputes and personal challenges.

Williams’ eldest son, Chavoita LeSane, recently shed light on the difficult circumstances surrounding his father’s second marriage and his current responsibilities as a father to Dylan.

In an interview with *Radar Online*, Chavoita revealed that Richard’s estranged wife, Lakeisha Graham, who shares Dylan with Richard, has largely been absent in raising their son.

According to Chavoita, Lakeisha not only fails to contribute to Dylan’s upbringing but has also used her relationship with him as a means to manipulate Richard.

Chavoita accused Lakeisha of exploiting her relationship with Richard, alleging that she often uses Dylan as a pawn to gain access to Richard’s finances. “Every time I turn around, she’s doing the dumbest stuff,” Chavoita stated.

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“She comes to the house, uses Junior [Dylan] as a pawn, and then ends up getting his [Richard’s] credit card or something.” This tension, according to Chavoita, has left Richard in a vulnerable position, frequently giving in to Lakeisha’s demands to avoid conflict.

Chavoita further criticized his father’s handling of the situation, suggesting that Richard should take legal action to secure custody and limit Lakeisha’s involvement.

Despite these challenges, Chavoita affirmed that Richard remains devoted to his role as Dylan’s primary caregiver.

“My dad takes him to school, picks him up, and looks after him seven days a week,” he said, emphasizing that Richard has shouldered the burden of raising Dylan without any help from Lakeisha.

Chavoita also hinted that legal action may soon be on the horizon, as he believes his father is reaching a point where he may once again pursue divorce and formal custody arrangements.

The strained relationship between Richard Williams and Lakeisha Graham has been the subject of legal battles for several years.

The couple married in 2010, and their relationship quickly unraveled after Richard accused Lakeisha of forging his signature in an attempt to transfer ownership of their million-dollar home to herself. In 2017, Williams filed for divorce, but the proceedings have been anything but smooth.

Recently, a court dismissed Richard’s divorce filings after he failed to appear for a deposition. According to Chavoita, his father’s non-appearance was due to his fear of legal proceedings, compounded by health issues that have impacted his speech and cognitive abilities.

“He’s terrified of legal stuff,” Chavoita explained, noting that his father’s health has significantly deteriorated in recent years. Richard has been dealing with the aftereffects of multiple strokes, which have impaired his ability to communicate and further complicated the legal process.

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Despite the dismissal of the divorce filing, Chavoita hinted that Richard may soon revisit the idea of formally dissolving the marriage with Lakeisha. For now, however, Richard’s primary focus remains on caring for Dylan, ensuring that his youngest son receives the attention and support he needs.

Richard Williams’ personal struggles stand in stark contrast to his remarkable legacy as a tennis coach and father. Best known for guiding Venus and Serena to unprecedented heights in the sport, Williams played an instrumental role in their early development, famously coaching them on the public tennis courts of Compton, California.

His unconventional methods, coupled with his relentless drive, transformed his daughters into global superstars who revolutionized the game of tennis.

Williams’ approach to parenting and coaching was shaped by his own experiences growing up in Shreveport, Louisiana, where he worked as a sharecropper before moving to California.

Determined to provide a better future for his children, Richard taught himself the game of tennis by reading books and watching instructional videos. He then passed on his knowledge to Venus and Serena, coaching them himself and shielding them from the harsh criticisms they faced as young Black girls in a predominantly white sport.

The Williams family’s rise to tennis stardom was chronicled in the 2021 film *King Richard*, in which Will Smith portrayed Richard Williams. The movie highlighted Richard’s unwavering commitment to his daughters’ success and his determination to challenge the status quo in the world of professional tennis.

Both Venus and Serena have spoken extensively about the impact their parents had on their careers, with Serena noting in her 2022 farewell speech that “it all started with my parents, and they deserve everything.”

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Venus echoed these sentiments in a 2013 Instagram post, thanking her father for “giving Serena and me a dream.” She also credited her mother, Oracene Price, for being a guiding force in their journey, stating that Oracene’s influence was just as important as Richard’s in shaping their paths to success.

Richard Williams’ marriage to Oracene Price, which lasted from 1980 to 2002, is often remembered as a partnership that played a pivotal role in Venus and Serena’s early careers. Oracene, herself an accomplished athlete, was actively involved in their training, particularly in the early years.

Together, Richard and Oracene coached their daughters, instilling in them the discipline and work ethic that would eventually make them champions.

However, the marriage between Richard and Oracene eventually came to an end after 22 years. Their split marked the end of a significant chapter in the Williams family’s story, but both Richard and Oracene continued to be supportive of their daughters’ careers. Richard, in particular, remained a constant presence at Venus and Serena’s matches, despite the personal challenges he faced in his own life.

In the years following his divorce from Oracene, Richard Williams continued to pursue his passion for tennis and coaching, but his personal life grew increasingly complicated. His third marriage, to Lakeisha Graham, ended in turmoil, with legal disputes and allegations of financial misconduct clouding the later years of his life.

Yet, through it all, Richard has remained dedicated to his children—both his older daughters and his youngest son, Dylan.

At 82, Richard Williams now finds himself navigating the challenges of single parenthood, a role he is all too familiar with. Just as he did with Venus and Serena, Richard is once again stepping up to provide for his child, ensuring that Dylan receives the same level of care and attention that helped his older siblings become world-class athletes.

While the future of Richard’s legal battles remains uncertain, one thing is clear: his legacy as a father, coach, and pioneer in the world of tennis is firmly cemented. From the public courts of Compton to the grand stages of Wimbledon and beyond, Richard Williams’ influence on the sport—and on his children—will be felt for generations to come.

As Richard Williams enters this new phase of his life, the focus is not on tennis courts but on the well-being of his youngest child, Dylan. The legal drama surrounding his marriage to Lakeisha Graham may continue to play out in courtrooms, but Richard remains steadfast in his commitment to raising his son.

For now, the man who coached two of the greatest athletes of all time is applying the same dedication and determination to ensure that Dylan grows up in a stable and supportive environment. Just as he once defied the odds to turn Venus and Serena into tennis legends, Richard Williams is now defying the odds again—this time, as a father navigating the challenges of single parenthood in his 80s.