Gabrielle Union Opens Up About Dwayne Wade’s Bisexual Affairs

So word on the street is that Gabrielle Union is low-key getting her ducks in a row to serve Dwyane Wade with divorce papers and the tea is that she allegedly caught him stepping out on her – with a man!

Now, there’s this one blind item that spilled the beans on Dwyane, saying he was up to no good with another lady on the side.

BUT some other sources are now chirping that Dwyane might’ve strayed in a different direction, with another dude…

The text you provided discusses various controversial rumors and allegations surrounding Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union’s personal lives. Here’s a breakdown of the key points mentioned:

Dwyane Wade’s Alleged Infidelity: Rumors suggest Gabrielle Union is considering divorce due to Dwyane Wade’s infidelity, possibly with a man. There are claims that Gabrielle Union was aware of Wade’s bisexuality but kept it private.

Parties and Lifestyle: It’s alleged that Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union host unconventional parties at their home involving older Hollywood figures and younger men. Former business partner Richard Von Houtman mentioned finding the aftermath of wild parties at Wade’s apartment, which included used condoms, liquor bottles, and other party remnants.

Dwyane Wade’s Past: Wade admitted to dressing in women’s clothing as a child, and there’s a connection made between this and his support for his transgender daughter, Zaya. He emphasized the importance of love and support as a parent.

Controversies Regarding Zaya Wade: Wade’s ex-wife, Siohvaughn Funches, claimed Wade and Union forced Zaya’s gender transition for financial gain. Legal battles ensued over the decision to change Zaya’s name and gender legally without Funches’s input.

Hollywood Rumors: Jaguar Wright and other insiders have suggested that Wade and Union participate in controversial activities common in Hollywood, including the hosting of questionable parties.

Public Reactions and Speculations: These allegations have sparked varied reactions from fans and the public, some supporting Wade and Union’s decisions, while others criticize their actions and decisions.

These points are based on rumors, allegations, and personal accounts, which may not necessarily be accurate or verified. The situation appears complex, with various perspectives and claims involved.