Jimmy Fallon’s interview with Paris Hilton is strongly considered as his worst of all-time on the Tonight Show.

Paris Hilton and JImmy Fallonvia NBC

It was a busy week for Jimmy Fallon, who took on several notable interviews. Will Smith returned to the show after a lengthy hiatus, though Martin Lawrence’s “troubled” appearance made the headlines instead. Nonetheless, Fallon didn’t mention Lawrence’s struggles prior to the interview, and kept the focus on the actor’s career. The same held true for his chat with Jessica Alba, and engaging conversation with Andrew Huberman.

However, Fallon isn’t perfect, and he’s had some forgettable interviews in recent years. Perhaps his worst ever came in 2022. We’ll reveal what took place, and why the interview is so hard to look back on. We’re going to reveal how fans on YouTube reacted, and what Forbes and Redditors were saying. We’ll conclude by showing Fallon some love, and revealing why his recent week might’ve been the best of all-time.

Margot Robbie’s blue dress on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon is regarded as one of the most stunning looks in late night history.

A Fan At The Tonight Show Taping Mentioned That Audience Noise Was Added To Paris Hilton’s Interview With Jimmy Fallon

The interview took place two years ago, and really wasn’t what fans expected. The chat starts off in the right direction as HIlton talks about getting married on her show, Paris in Love. She also touches on her wedding inspiration in Las Vegas. However, there was a shift in the conversation nobody was expecting, and that was Hilton discussing her NFT series. Yes, it sounds painful, but it was that much worse to watch.

“Last time you were on the show, you explained NFTs in a great way. Which is really hard to explain,” Fallon tells Hilton. “You know what you’re doing.”

After the “applause” drowns, Hilton responds, “Thank you. I’m so proud. I love being part of this community, and a voice. And getting the word out there.” Fallon then revealed he got involved with NFTs. HIlton credits herself as being the reason, while both mutually revealed that they bought an ape…

The entire ordeal was tough to watch, and one of the worst Tonight Show moments you’ll ever see.

Jimmy Fallon wasn’t bothered by his decline in ratings compared to Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel, revealing that he’s beating them out elsewhere.

Fans had a lot to say on YouTube. The most liked comments weren’t positive, and that’s putting things nicely.
“That NFT shilling felt like someone was holding a gun to their heads! God damn, that was embarrassing.”
“The audience clapping, cheering and laughing was all added in for this post I was there. It was shear silence in the audience.”
“That NFT segment was literally unbearable to sit through. Props to the people who sat through it. Also the irony of printing your “digital art” on paper to show it off.”
“They created the most inhuman emotions imaginable just by talking about NFTs.”

Not only were fans on YouTube bashing the interview, but the same held true on platforms such as Forbes, and Reddit. Ironically, Fallon stated that Forbes was one of the platforms praising Hilton for her NFT work…

Redditors And Forbes Also Reacted Negatively To Jimmy Fallon’s Interview With Paris Hilton

Forbes’ headline from 2022 reads, ‘Awkward moment between Paris Hilton and Jimmy Fallon highlights the absurdity of NFTs.’ Yes, Forbes took note of the conversation, and not for the best of reasons. Dani Di Placido stated that the “enthusiasm” was hard to ignore.

The author wrote, “The clip shows the two sharing an awkward discussion about their foray into the NFT marketplace, their stilted enthusiasm impossible to ignore.”
“The clip almost seems designed to highlight the existence of the “applause” sign, as the two celebrities show off their investments, and inspire a moment of awkward silence, followed by a grudging succession of claps from the audience.”
“The clip perfectly embodies the wide gulf between NFT-believers, and those that see nothing but an energy-intensive pyramid scheme.”

Paris Hilton smiling on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards
via Instar

Conan O’Brien impressed fans with the way he ended his Tonight Show interview with Jimmy Fallon.

It was a similar reaction among the community on Reddit, calling the interview “cringe” and “weird.”
“Oh my. The cringe. Fallon shows the image to absolute silence. Just for someone to break the awkwardness with a motherly condescending “awww” because there’s literally no other reaction to have.”
“It is really weird to see legitimately wealthy celebrities grift this hard for something that is so obviously destined to be a future humiliation and mark on their reputation. Its not even strategic or cynical, it’s just bad policy.”

Not one of Fallon’s brightest moments. But in fairness to the host, his recent interviews have been a step above, and that was especially true during the week that was.

Jimmy Fallon Has Been Receiving Praise For His Recent Interviews With Jessica Alba And Andrew Huberman

The audience was once again sitting in silence, but this time it was for all the right reasons, as Andrew Huberman turned out to be the Tonight Show’s most impressive interview of the year. Fallon took a different approach, bringing in a neuroscientist. Ultimately, fans loved every minute of it, while Huberman was able to convey great messages to the audience.

Andrew Huberman and Jimmy Fallon
via NBC

Huberman discussed easy ways to decrease stress, while touching on the importance of sunlight and sleep. Fans especially loved the interview, given that it wasn’t forced, with laughter getting in the way every so often.

Jimmy Fallon’s interview with Jessica Alba was another massive W for the host. Fallon didn’t discuss Alba’s appearance once, which has been a hot topic throughout her career. Instead, Fallon put the emphasis on her career, and life as a mom.

Alba has said in the past that she tried everything to escape conversations about her appearance.

“I was meant to feel ashamed if I tempted men. Then I stopped eating a lot when I became an actress. I made myself look more like a boy so I wouldn’t get as much attention. I went through a big tomboy phase.”

“In Hollywood, you’re really preyed upon. They see a young girl, and they just want to touch you inappropriately or talk to you inappropriately or think that they’re allowed to be aggressive with you in a way. So, then I like created this pretty intense ‘don’t f— with me’ [attitude]. I had to create a harder shell about being a woman.”

Fallon certainly did his research, and was praised for how he handled the star.