Today in Orlando Bloom’s adventures in public nudity, the Lord of the Rings actor and forever Elf Bae stripped naked at what appears to be a public lake, frolicked in the water, and then tagged Katy Perry in a nude. More specifically, he tagged her as the peach emoji covering his butt.

Photo credit: Instagram

Much like Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds before them, Katy and Orlando have developed a habit of trolling each other on Instagram. Recently, Orlando shared a bunch a pics from their breathtaking Italian vacation and forgot to tag Katy, prompting her to hit the comments with “You forgot to tag me daddy.”

And before that, Katy dropped an extremely unimpressed response to Orlando’s Mother’s Day post, writing “Baby pls can you bring me a Bengal spice tea” on this photo of him holding her (as a mermaid).

In other news, Orlando just somewhat randomly opened up about how often he and Katy have sex, responding to a Guardian Q&A which bluntly asked “How often do you have sex?” with “Not enough—we just had a baby though.”

He also was asked who the greatest loves of his life are, and sweetly said “My son, Flynn, and my daughter, Daisy Dove, a dog called Mighty and then, of course, my fiancee.”

Got it got it got it. As you were! By which I mean, as you were looking at these casual pics of Orlando swimming around a lake whilst naked.