10 Hilarious Olympic Moments That Will Make You Smile.

The Olympics, the most prestigious sporting event held every four years, have always been a stage for incredible athletic feats. But amid the intense competition, there have also been plenty of moments that left us laughing.

Gymnastics FUNNIEST Moments That Ever Happened!

Despite the global challenges, the Tokyo Olympics took place this year, and with it came a mix of unforgettable and amusing memories. Let’s dive into ten of the funniest Olympic moments over the years.

1. Knitting at the Tokyo Olympics?

Did the 2021 Olympics introduce a new category for knitting? Not quite. Tom Daley, the British synchronized diver and gold medalist, surprised everyone when he was spotted knitting during the women’s 3m springboard final.

With no British athletes competing, Daley calmly worked on his knitting project in the stands. The 27-year-old later explained that knitting helps him manage his mental health, a hobby he picked up during the long lockdowns. His knitting skills became as much of a highlight as his diving!

2. A Gold Medal Requires Proof, Even at the Airport

Winning an Olympic gold medal is a monumental achievement, but even that doesn’t exempt you from airport security checks. At the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, high jumpers Gianmarco Tamberi of Italy and Mutaz Barshim of Qatar made history by sharing the gold medal.

However, Tamberi faced an unexpected challenge when airport security insisted on seeing his medal after the metal detector went off. He posted a video on Instagram, jokingly asking the security team if he could take his gold medal home. Imagine working for years to win gold, only to have to prove it to airport security!

3. The Iconic High Five That Never Happened.

During the first week of the Tokyo 2021 Olympics, a hilarious moment occurred during a women’s volleyball match between the Netherlands and China.

A photographer captured a perfectly timed shot that appeared to show players Yvonne Beliën and Zhu Yunli high-fiving mid-air.

In reality, one was spiking the ball while the other tried to block it. The image quickly went viral, providing a light-hearted moment for fans around the world.

4. Michael Phelps’ Legendary Death Stare

The Rio 2016 Olympics gave us many memorable moments, but Michael Phelps’ intense “death stare” might be the most iconic. Just before the 200-meter butterfly semi-final, Phelps was caught glaring into the distance, completely focused on the competition ahead.

His fierce expression became an instant meme, with #PhelpsFace trending across social media. Phelps later explained that he was merely zoning out while listening to music, but the stare perfectly encapsulated his competitive spirit.

5. Slow and Steady Wins the Race?

At the 2000 Sydney Olympics, Eric Moussambani, a swimmer from Equatorial Guinea, set a record—not for speed, but for the slowest time in the 100-meter freestyle.

Moussambani, who had never seen an Olympic-sized pool before the event, swam alone after his competitors were disqualified.

Despite his slow pace, the crowd cheered him on, and he became a symbol of perseverance, proving that sometimes just finishing the race is a victory in itself.

6. Lifeguards Get Bored Too, But Only at the Olympics

What happens when you’re a lifeguard at the Olympics? You might find yourself surprisingly bored. At the Rio 2016 Olympics, a photo of a lifeguard looking utterly uninterested went viral.

With elite swimmers from around the world competing, the chances of needing a rescue were slim to none, but rules are rules. The lifeguard’s bored expression became one of the funniest moments of the Games.

7. Always Wait for the Results to Be Announced

Celebrating a win before it’s confirmed can lead to some awkward situations, as Chinese boxer Lu Bin discovered at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

After his match against Kenya’s Peter Mungai Warui, Lu raised his fists in celebration before the judges announced the winner.

When Warui was declared the victor, Lu’s premature celebration became a cringe-worthy moment. He later expressed his frustration, but the incident became a viral lesson in patience.

8. The Olympics Can Make Anyone Forget How to Use Basic Things

Even Olympians can have human moments under pressure. During the 2016 Rio Olympics, the Australian women’s soccer team faced off against Brazil in the quarterfinals. Under immense pressure, the Australian goalkeeper tried to drink from her water bottle—upside down. The mistake quickly turned into a viral GIF, reminding us that even the best athletes can have a slip-up now and then.

9. Smiling Your Way to Victory

Usain Bolt, the fastest man alive, gave the world one of the most iconic Olympic images during the 2016 Rio Games. As he approached the finish line in the 100-meter race, Bolt flashed a confident smile, knowing victory was his. Despite doubts about his performance, Bolt’s smile became a symbol of his undeniable dominance on the track, inspiring countless memes that still circulate today.

10. The Time the Pool Turned Green

The Rio 2016 Olympics had its share of bizarre moments, none more so than when the pool turned green. Instead of the usual blue, the water mysteriously turned a bright shade of green. Initially, organizers blamed environmental factors, but it was later revealed that the contractor had accidentally mixed hydrogen peroxide with chlorine, causing the color change. This green pool incident set the tone for a Games full of unexpected and funny moments.

From knitting in the stands to green pools, the Olympics have provided plenty of laughter alongside world-class athleticism. These moments remind us that even in the heat of competition, there’s always room for a good laugh. Stay tuned for more Olympic fun in the years to come!