The Dark Underbelly of Hollywood: Child Exploitation and Scandals Behind the Scenes.

Hollywood, often seen as the glitzy capital of entertainment, home to beloved stars and blockbuster movies, hides a darker side that only a few have dared to expose.

For decades, former child stars and insiders have shed light on the seedy underbelly of the entertainment industry, where child exploitation and abuse have been rampant yet largely ignored.

Elijah Wood, once a child star himself, and others like Corey Feldman, have spoken out about this pervasive issue, emphasizing that it’s not just a rumor—it’s a terrifying reality.

Elijah Wood Speaks Out on Hollywood’s “Big Secret”

In a candid interview, Elijah Wood revealed a disturbing truth: Hollywood harbors a “seedy underbelly” where child exploitation is not only prevalent but also protected by the entertainment industry’s elites.

According to Wood, “The number one problem in Hollywood was and is—and always will be—child exploitation, and nobody talks about it.” He emphasized that while many in the industry are aware of this “big secret,” it remains largely unspoken, creating an environment where predators continue their activities unchecked.

47 Facts About Elijah Wood -

Wood, who credits his mother with protecting him from these situations as a child actor, acknowledged that not all were as fortunate. He was surrounded by the problem, and it’s a chilling thought that many child actors are exposed to environments where they’re vulnerable to abuse.

According to him, the victims are often too scared or powerless to speak out, and when they do, their voices are easily drowned out by the powerful individuals who protect the perpetrators.

Corey Feldman and the Fight for Truth

Corey Feldman, another former child star, has been one of the most vocal advocates for exposing the dark side of Hollywood. Feldman, who starred alongside Corey Haim in films like *The Lost Boys*, has repeatedly shared his own experiences of abuse in the industry.

He has long maintained that both he and Haim were victims of sexual exploitation as young actors, but his claims were often ignored or brushed aside for years.

Feldman has revealed that Haim was particularly targeted, sharing harrowing details of how his friend was raped on the set of the 1986 film *Lucas*. Feldman himself described being victimized by people he once considered friends.

Corey Feldman - Wikipedia

His book, *Coreography*, outlines the painful reality that while many in Hollywood knew what was happening, few did anything to stop it. According to Feldman, this abuse continued during the filming of *The Lost Boys*, where both he and Haim were further exploited.

What makes Feldman’s revelations even more alarming is his assertion that the abuse wasn’t a well-kept secret. “A lot of people knew what was going on, but they chose to stay silent,” he said in interviews, expressing his frustration with the industry’s collective inaction.

In 2013, during an appearance on *The View*, Feldman reiterated that some of the perpetrators are still out there, continuing their behavior without consequence. However, due to California’s strict statute of limitations laws, he explained that he couldn’t name names publicly, despite his knowledge of the abusers’ identities.

Elijah Wood Echoes Feldman’s Concerns

Elijah Wood’s comments on the matter echoed many of Feldman’s revelations. Wood acknowledged that the entertainment industry is rife with individuals who only have their own interests in mind, often at the expense of vulnerable young actors. He described Hollywood as filled with “vipers” who exploit innocent, eager children hoping to break into the business.

Wood shared that many victims of abuse can’t speak as loudly as those who are harming them, and the predators, shielded by wealth and power, continue to operate unchecked. He noted that this imbalance is tragic, as young talents suffer irreparable damage while their abusers often go on with their lives, facing little to no repercussions.

Though Wood wasn’t a victim himself, thanks to his mother’s vigilance in keeping him away from Hollywood’s darker corners, he said he is acutely aware that such abuse likely continues even today. His observations and experiences align closely with Feldman’s, painting a grim picture of an industry where power dynamics allow abuse to flourish in secret.

The Weinstein Effect: A System of Silence

The Weinstein scandal is perhaps the most publicized example of how Hollywood has protected powerful figures while sidelining the victims. Harvey Weinstein, a once-towering figure in the film industry, was accused of sexual harassment, assault, and rape by multiple women, sparking the #MeToo movement.

His downfall began when investigative articles in *The New York Times* and *The New Yorker* exposed decades of abuse that had long been whispered about but never acted upon.

Corey Feldman highlighted the disturbing pattern that Weinstein’s case exposed: when someone with immense power and influence is accused, the victim often becomes the target of scrutiny and disbelief.

Feldman, having witnessed similar dynamics in his own life, pointed out that when abusers have the money and publicity machines behind them, they can manipulate public perception, making the accuser look like the one at fault. This system of protecting the rich and powerful has, for years, allowed predators in Hollywood to evade justice.

Weinstein’s conviction may have been a victory for his victims, but it also raised questions about the culture of silence that enabled him for so long. As more and more stories of abuse and exploitation come to light, many are left wondering how many other powerful figures have yet to be held accountable for their actions.

Oprah Winfrey and Controversial Connections

Even media mogul Oprah Winfrey has found herself entangled in controversies surrounding her connections to high-profile figures like Harvey Weinstein and other dubious individuals. Over the years, Winfrey has introduced many questionable characters to her audience under the guise of shedding light on unique stories.

From so-called miracle workers to convicted criminals, some argue that Winfrey’s pursuit of ratings has occasionally given platforms to individuals who later faced serious allegations.

One particularly shocking case was that of João Teixeira de Faria, better known as “John of God.” Faria, who once appeared on Winfrey’s show as a spiritual healer, was later convicted of numerous counts of sexual abuse.

Oprah Winfrey - Wikipedia

His crimes were so extensive that he is now serving over 400 years in prison. Winfrey’s connection to him, albeit indirect, raised eyebrows as people questioned whether her platform contributed to his prolonged abuse of power.

Another contentious moment in Winfrey’s career was her handling of Mo’Nique’s story. When Mo’Nique’s brother, who had sexually assaulted her, appeared on *The Oprah Winfrey Show*, the episode blindsided Mo’Nique and reignited tensions between her and Winfrey.

According to Mo’Nique, not only was she not informed that her parents would be present on the show, but Oprah’s approach to the sensitive topic felt more exploitative than empathetic.

Looking Ahead: Can Hollywood Change?

The stories shared by Elijah Wood, Corey Feldman, and others illustrate that child exploitation has long been a systemic issue in Hollywood. While movements like #MeToo have brought some abusers to justice, many fear that there are still powerful figures hiding behind their wealth and influence, evading accountability.

Hollywood’s dark side is a painful reality, but the increasing visibility of these issues gives hope that change is possible. More former child stars and insiders are coming forward, calling for reforms in how the industry protects its youngest and most vulnerable.

If Hollywood is truly to reckon with its past, it must confront the sins long buried beneath the surface. Only then can it move toward a future where young actors are no longer preyed upon by those in positions of power.