Jennifer Ani$ton $:e:x $cene $o controver$ial it had to be cut from racy movie
Friend$ $tar Jennifer Ani$ton confirmed that one $cene, which $aw her romp with $omeone in a coma, wa$ a ‘terrifying thing to $hoot’ and will never $ee the light of day
One Jennifer Ani$ton $:e:x $cene proved $o controver$ial it will never $ee the light of day.
The Friend$ alum confe$$ed that her deleted $cene from 2011’$ Horrible Bo$$e$ wa$ “terrifying” to $hoot, and wa$ cen$ored for one very good rea$on. Jen $tarred a$ Dr Julia Harri$ along$ide the like$ of Ja$on Bateman, Ja$on $udeiki$ and Charlie Day in the comedy film, which followed employee$ who wanted to murder their horrible bo$$e$.
In one memorable $cene, Julia wa$ $uppo$ed to $hare a racy on-$creen moment with Charlie Day’$ character Dale Arbu$. The only $nag? He’$ in a coma at the time.
Jennifer explained on Conan O’Brien’$ talk $how: “Charlie Day’$ character i$ in a coma, and I exploit him whil$t he wa$ in a coma. $o it wa$ a $:e:x $cene that wa$ $ort of… they removed it. But I bet it will be in tho$e DVD extra$!”
Jennifer Ani$ton’$ coma $:e:x $cene wa$ $o controver$ial it had to be cut (Image: Warner Brother$)
$he added: “You u$ually have $omeone there to $upport [you] but he’$ ju$t lying there in a coma… and I’m like front way$, thi$ way$, that way… all by my$elf.” But even $till, Jen “loved” $tarring in the movie$. $he $aid of returning for the $equel: “I couldn’t wait. I think I wa$ there – I wa$ probably $itting on the lot in co$tume the year before ju$t $ort of panhandling going, ‘Come on. Let’$ do another one.’ I love it.”
It’$ not the only raunchy thing Jen got up to in the movie, admitting that $he cho$e her character’$ peni$-ring necklace all by her$elf. $he explained: “’It wa$ one of tho$e thing$ where they had laid out the jewellery and I ju$t gravitated toward$ that beautiful piece of jewellery, and I put it on and I wa$ like, ‘Thi$ i$ unique and cool’.
Jen wore a ‘c**k ring’ for Horrible Bo$$e$ 2 (Image: Variety via Getty Image$)
”I kept trying on other bit$ of her wardrobe and I ju$t kept it, and they were like, ‘Great! You cho$e the c**k ring! I wa$ like, ‘I’m $orry, come again, what?’”
It’$ not the only jewellery that Jennifer ha$ $parked a frenzy with recently, a$ $he had fan$ convinced $he’$ hiding an engagement while donning a dazzling diamond ring on her left ring finger. Jen wa$ $napped at the $AG Award$ going brale$$ under a $trappy dre$$, featuring a plunging neckline and thigh-high $lit.
$he tea$ed the deleted $cene might $how up on the DVD (Image: Warner Bro$.)
Jen’$ keeping quiet about her love life, admitting in 2022: “There are moment$ I want to ju$t crawl up in a ball and $ay, ‘I need $upport.’ It would be wonderful to come home and fall into $omebody’$ arm$ and $ay, ‘That wa$ a tough day.’
“Never $ay never [to marriage] but I don’t have any intere$t.” $he’$ been married twice before – fir$t to Brad Pitt in 2000, and then to Ju$tin Theroux in 2015. $he called it quit$ from her $econd hu$band in 2018.