Eminem’s death hoax sparks outrage among fans

Social media erupted in chaos and fury as false rumours of renowned American rapper Eminem’s death spread rapidly online, inciting outrage and disbelief among his fans worldwide.

Eminem's death hoax sparks outrage among fans

The confusion stemmed from misleading information that surfaced on Google searches, incorrectly stating that Eminem had passed away on December 10th, 2023, in Madison, Wisconsin.

Eminem Wikipedia

Eminem Wikipedia

The controversy ignited when a social media account highlighted the false death date listed on Eminem’s Wikipedia page. This misinformation was amplified through Google searches, intensifying the misconception that the rapper had indeed died.

Enraged fans flooded platforms like X (Twitter), expressing frustration and anger towards the person responsible for editing the Wikipedia page and causing distressing chaos.

Numerous users voiced their outrage, condemning the misinformation and expressing shock at the false news circulating on Google. Statements like “Google saying #Eminem died… what kind of stupidity is this?” and “Whoever edited Eminem’s wiki to say he died, buzz you. I nearly had a heart attack,” flooded social media feeds.

This isn’t the first instance of false death reports surrounding Eminem. Past conspiracy theories have fueled random rumours, with similar false reports emerging in the past, causing “RIP Eminem” to trend on social media.

Despite the fervour online, no official reports have confirmed Eminem’s death. It appears the misinformation originated solely from an erroneous edit on his Wikipedia page, triggering an unnecessary frenzy among fans.