PASTURES NEWEY Red Bull supremo set to QUIT F1 team over Christian Horner sexting scandal in huge blow with rivals ready to pounce

RED BULL design chief Adrian Newey is set to leave the team following the controversy surrounding team principal Christian Horner.

The BBC have reported that Newey has informed Red Bull that he wants to move on after almost 20 years with the team.

Adrian Newey is set to step down from Red Bull

Adrian Newey is set to step down from Red BullCredit: Getty

Newey's exit is reportedly rooted from the controversy surrounding Christian Horner

Newey’s exit is reportedly rooted from the controversy surrounding Christian HornerCredit: Getty
Newey, 65, is said to be “unsettled” by the situation at Red Bull in the wake of Horner’s sexting scandal.

And it is reported that his decision to call an end to his time with Red Bull can be traced back to the situation involving Horner.

Red Bull cleared Horner of any wrongdoing after an internal investigation into alleged sexual harassment and coercive and abusive behaviour by a female employee.

The unnamed complainant has since been suspended by the team and has launched an appeal against the decision.

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