Toto Wolff Holds Onto Faith and Max Verstappen While Kimi Antonelli Waits on the Side

Toto Wolff Holds Onto Faith and Max Verstappen While Kimi Antonelli Waits on the Side
Credits: Imago

With Lewis Hamilton leaving Mercedes for Ferrari in 2025, the Brackley-based team is looking for a suitable replacement. Hoping to replace one World Champion with another, Team Principal Toto Wolff started his pursuit of Max Verstappen, which seems very difficult on paper. Because of the same, Wolff reportedly turned to their academy prodigy Kimi Antonelli to fill the seat.

However, per reports, Wolff isn’t done trying to poach Verstappen away from Red Bull yet. All the signs were pointing towards Antonelli signing for Mercedes, and the FIA even reduced the age limit for Antonelli to get his super license.

But when asked if Antonelli to Mercedes was a done deal, journalist Sergio Rodriguez said, “Mercedes was happily surprised with his performance in private test but no decision will be made until September -October. Wolff has yet faith in convincing Max.” 

Wolff is a huge Antonelli fan and has talked the Italian driver up repeatedly over the last few months. However, he will be wary of having Antonelli on the team so early.

Despite his reputation, he hasn’t won a race in F2 yet and lacks the experience to be an F1 driver. His tests for Mercedes have been impressive, but the Silver Arrows would rather have him drive for another team – maybe Williams – before making the jump.

Ideally, Wolff would want Verstappen in the team. But the Dutch driver’s latest comments point towards a future with Red Bull.

Max Verstappen lands a major blow on Toto Wolff’s hopes

Ahead of the Austrian GP weekend, Verstappen quashed Wolff’s hopes of landing the 26-year-old driver. He insisted that he will be a Red Bull driver in 2025, and revealed that he is already working with the Milton-Keynes-based team on their car for next season, as reported by The Guardian.

This was one of the few times Verstappen gave a definitive answer about his future. Owing to troubles within Red Bull in the past, he was always vague about his future, bringing the need to having a fast car into question.

Wolff, however, will have the fire within him fueled after Verstappen’s comments. He has been hard at work to woo him to Brackley, and in terms of performance, Mercedes has improved considerably of late. A step in the right direction for the team that wants to compete for the World Championship.

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