Jamie Foxx, the Academy Award-winning comedic actor, who had a close encounter with the remarkable Mike Tyson, reveals that during Tyson’s prime, he had a peculiar habit of disapprovingly reacting to individuals wearing mismatched attire. However, intriguingly, Tyson has undergone a profound personal evolution. At the age of 57, he has completely transformed himself.

In current times, whenever these incidents are brought up in interviews or podcasts, Tyson responds with a smile. He acknowledges his past behavior and accepts that he cannot alter it now.

Foxx, who admires the larger-than-life persona of the legendary heavyweight, has personally witnessed Tyson’s intense emotions. In fact, he closely observed Tyson’s rise to fame and subsequent downfall. Foxx paid such meticulous attention to Tyson that he even portrayed him on multiple occasions. In his portrayal of Tyson for the latter’s biography, the 55-year-old actor vividly recalls a particular incident at a party where Tyson lost his patience over a song called ‘The Thong Song’.

The party took place at Tyson’s residence in Las Vegas, shortly after his release from jail. During that period, Foxx happened to be living in Vegas as well, so he attended the event. Stevie Wonder, the esteemed singer, songwriter, and musician, was playing the piano at the party. When Tyson began shouting at a random girl, Wonder became extremely frightened. Being familiar with Tyson’s behavior, Foxx provided him with comfort during this challenging moment by offering a gentle warning.

A delightful video clip showcasing Jamie Foxx’s portrayal of Stevie Wonder’s response following Mike Tyson’s cautionary words to an unfamiliar woman has recently surfaced on Twitter. In the clip, Foxx skillfully depicts how Tyson created an uncomfortable atmosphere when the woman approached him for a photograph.

Foxx, in his rendition of Tyson, exclaimed, “Mike, can I snap a picture?” And then, with an intense expression, he continued, “Get away from me! You don’t want a photo. You want to send me back to jail.”

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Foxx went on to recount, “We were all taken aback! He started becoming furious, and the bodyguards were like, ‘Hey, Mike!’ But Mike was insistent, saying, ‘Get away from me! Stay back!’ I distinctly remember Stevie Wonder being unaware of what was happening, and I told him, ‘Steven, just sit tight today. You don’t want to get caught up in any trouble.’ His instinct was to simply retreat. He had to make a quick exit.”