Kim Kardashian has shared she wished she’d reconsidered jumping into a relationship with Pete Davidson so soon after her marriage break-down.

The reality star and businesswoman, 42, started dating the 29-year-old comedian in November 2021, around nine months after she filed for divorce from Kanye West, 46.

The pair were together for nine months, but later announced they had decided to just be friends.

However now Kim has explained how she wish she’d taken some more time after splitting from the father of her four children before dating again.

In the upcoming episode of The Kardashians, Kim explains to sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner that she got into that relationship to run away from her failed marriage.

‘I definitely jumped into another relationship so fast,’ she explained.

Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson.
Kim Kardashian has said she wished she waited longer to date after her divorce (Picture: Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images)

‘It got my mind away from like stuff and that’s not a way to like run from things.

‘It’s better to like, deal, heal… that’s a good one. Deal, heal, and then…’, as Kendall finished, ‘Feel’.

Later in the episode Kendall admitted she didn’t know how her older sister managed to ‘handle everything with her ex-husband’.

Kim Kardashian.
She referred to dating Pete during a discussion on The Kardashians (Picture: Hulu)

‘It’s impressive, it’s amazing. I give her so much props but also I admire the strength and the cool and calmness that she has with it, because I could just never. I’d be spiralling,’ she said.

Kim then explained to her sisters that even after ‘all the mean things’ that Kanye had done, their kids ‘had no clue’, and weren’t aware of any of the controversy surrounding their father.

As Kylie explained: ‘I think it’s just who we are and how we were raised as a family. We’re all just really forgiving and loving.’

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.
The reality star split from ex-husband Kanye West at the start of 2021 (Picture: George Pimentel/ WireImage)

Speaking about her children’s relationship with Kanye, Kim went on to say that they thought their dad was ‘the best and most amazing’ and that he was ‘so great with them’.

‘Why would I take that away from them because I’m angry? I mean, granted, I have a lot to be angry at, but like, they don’t know that.’

Jumping in, Kendall then said it was easy for people to forget how difficult the situation had been for the family.

‘I think people on the Internet too also forget that we’re all like human, just trying to figure everything out. We’re all just having a human experience. The most important thing in this situation is like safety and protection for you and your kids, and I don’t necessarily mean that physically, I mean that like emotionally and mentally and just like, I don’t know, always doing the right thing by you and having that self-respect for you,’ she said.